Tinder for Product Analytics

Show your products to your users & collect their ratings with Hype the Like. Fun for them. Powerful feedback for you.

Available for Shopify stores only.

Rank your products.

Sort by like rate to find your chart-toppers.

Scan for duds

Uncover your niche goods while isolating the flops.

Sift through products for your bestseller

What products do your customers demand? Reveal their underlying like rate with Hype the Like.

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Show it before you stock it.

Hype the Like gives you free tools to poll your products and analyze the results.

Zero-risk product exploration

Got a candidate product photo? Show it & learn from it. With Hype the Like you won't waste your time on items that won't sell.

Try photos before you buy the merch

Use Hype the Like to get feedback on your products from your clients -- before stocking it.

Easily Install the Widget.

Works with Shopify

Easily synchronize using the products and photography you already have stored in Shopify.

Zero fuss integration

It's just one click to a enable a widget on any webpage on a Shopify store. No messing around with HTML.

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Ready to get started?

Contact us or sign up now.